As of 6 p.m. today, Mountain Daylight Time, we have (at long last) a finished draft of the first episode of Where Angels Die. It weighs in just under 30,000 words, a little longer than I wanted it to be. (Subsequent episodes are to be 12,000 to 15,000 words each. Think of this one as the two-hour series premiere.)
Current plan is to release it as soon as I have the second episode (‘The Little Charter’) drafted and the third one (‘The Bad Enough Brigade’) fairly started; unless someone has a Clever Idea to the contrary.
Edit: To refresh the memories of the 3.6 Loyal Readers, early drafts of the opening chapters have previously appeared in these pages:
The Summons
The Taken
A Battle of Souls
The Food of Demons
It’s been a long journey to this point, frequently interrupted; but I think I may be in a position to make some rapid progress now – health permitting.
Congratulations on reaching a major milestone.
Thank you!
I am glad to hear of your progress.
If I might ask, how is the “Superversive” essay collection coming along?
Been stalled since I got that concussion last month. I thought I would finish it first and the Where Angels Die episode afterwards, but my brain had other ideas. However, there is very little work to do before I start in on formatting and (O dreary slog!) footnotes.
So marvelous. Thank you for the credit in the frontmatter!
Thank you, and you’re welcome, respectively!