I am checking in to let my 3.6 Loyal Readers know a few items of late news:
1. I am, in fact, still alive.
2. My Beloved Bride, and the second of our two cats, are likewise still alive and doing well. The first cat, Sonny, died with lymphoma (but of euthanasia) just under a month ago. He was a very fine friend, and I miss him daily.
3. I have lately been fiddling with the newest generation of Large Language Model apps, which offer several important advances on their predecessors: that is, they move beyond the point where they can’t even pretend to tell a story, and on to the point where they merely pretend very badly. I am working on an essai to explain why I think this is necessarily so.
Archives for January 2025
Happy 45 squared!
1 January 2025 by 6 Comments
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